Keep records of your important items with ReportIt

Are you prepared should you ever become the victim of a property crime?
ReportIt is a FREE tool that lets citizens securely store serial numbers, item descriptions, pictures, and scans of receipts so that those items may be more easily identified in the event of theft or loss.
The ReportIt service is a part of LeadsOnline, a system that works with investigators across America to track and recover stolen property – everything from jewelry to sporting equipment to electronics, computers, cameras, and other items such as designer clothing, collectibles, and other items with invaluable personal worth.
The system allows police to search for the items using a variety of parameters, including item descriptions and serial numbers. When an item is sold to a pawn or secondhand shop, the product information is entered in the LeadsOnline database and is immediately viewable by participating law enforcement agencies.
Citizens wanting to participate in ReportIt can register for the free service at https://reportit.leadsonline.com/ and begin building their personal property inventory list.