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Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 10-1-350 through 10-1-359.5, secondary metals recyclers who purchase regulated metal property in any quantity must register with the appropriate sheriff's office(s) beginning July 1, 2012.
Secondary metals recyclers in Habersham County who purchase regulated metal property in any quantity are required to register with the Sheriff's Office under Georgia Law OCGA 10-1-360.
Any person who fails to register annually may be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
The Sheriff's Office is required to register secondary metals recyclers doing business in the county annually, keep a record of each registration, and enter the registration information into a statewide data base searchable by all law enforcement agencies.
A secondary metals recycler is any person who purchases secondary metals property which has served its original purpose. Therefore, this applies to the "metal recyclers" who purchase secondary metals, as well as individuals/businesses who buy old vehicles and other scrap metal from individuals or businesses.
The law states specifically: "Secondary metals recycler" means any person who is engaged, from a fixed location or otherwise, in the business in this state of paying compensation for regulated metal property that has served its original economic purpose, whether or not engaged in the business of performing the manufacturing process by which regulated metal property is converted into raw material products consisting of prepared grades and having an existing or potential economic value.
If you are registering as a business, you must register with the sheriff in each county where you maintain a place of business. If you maintain a place of business in more than one county, you must file a separate registration form for each business location.
If you are registering as an individual, you must register in the county where you reside.
If you are not a resident of Georgia, you must register in the county where you primarily engage or intent to engage in business as a secondary metals recycler.
Obtain a copy of the Secondary Metals Recycler Registration form online at this link or by visiting the Habersham County Sheriff's Office.
​Non-Refundable Registration Fee
- Submit payment of $200 with the registration form; the payment must be made by check or money order payable to the Habersham County Sheriff's Office. Checks returned for insufficient funds are subject to a $30 service charge pursuant to O.C.G.A. 16-9-20.
Citizenship / Qualified Alien Status
- If you are a qualified alien, your Secure and Verifiable documentation must be attached to the application.
Each registration is valid for a 12-month period beginning with the effective registration date as established by the sheriff's office once all registration requirements are met.
A new registration form and annual fee must be submitted to the Habersham County Sheriff's Office by the expiration date of the preceding year.
If you have a question regarding the Secondary Metals Recycler Registration, please contact Lt. Ethan Neal in our Criminal Investigations Division at (706) 839-0560.
Business (Corporation or Partnership)
Individual (Sole Proprietor)
Non-resident of Georgia
Registration Process
Registration Form
Application must include:
Registration Renewals
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